Showing entries 381 - 386 out of 386
Krystian, M., Prem, M., Pichl, W., & Krexner, G. (2005). Small-angle neutron scattering of alkali metals at moderate uniaxial pressure and low temperature. In International Workshop on Medium Pressure Advances for Neutron Scattering (pp. 3173-3178)

Bischof, G., Gröger, V., & Krexner, G. (2004). Investigation of the composition of precipitates in Al-Ag by Doppler spectroscopy of core electrons. In Positron Annihilation - ICPA-13 (pp. 51-53). Trans Tech Publications Inc..

Egger, W., Bischof, G., Gröger, V., & Krexner, G. (2001). Identification of defect sites in FeAl by Doppler spectroscopy of core electrons. In Positron Annihilation - ICPA-12 (pp. 82-84)

Showing entries 381 - 386 out of 386